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Offshore Development Center
Offshore development center at Cancri, is a pool of talented specialists in information technology, engineering and project management that acts as extensions of our clients team. Talented resources, well designed and equipped infrastructure with a compelling value propositions makes our offshore delivery model most beneficial for our clients.

Offshoring should be based more on strategic intent and not merely on financial leverage. For any ISVs (Independent Software Vendors) or VARs (Value Added Resellers) issues related with People, Processes and Projects are paramount in determining the option of Offshoring. ISV’s opt for Offshoring business model at various stages of growth to increase effectiveness and efficiency. Apt Process Methodology in development, delivery of applications and services is pivotal in the success of any Offshoring model. Flexible engagement models provided by us will surely achieve your targets and objectives, and we can scale our team to fit the needs of yours.

Cancri has talent management expertise in house and DUTY, DISCIPLINE, DETERMINATION and DEDICATION is ingrained in our staff and consultants. Our talent pool has requisite technology and management expertise having zeal to run that extra mile and deliver on time. Our team follows some of the IT business imperatives - evolutionary methodology of development, designing before coding and having a clear vision, thus resulting in reduction of reworks and headaches.

Cancri deliver products faster at lower costs delivering substantial value additions making our customers better equipped to compete against anyone in the world.
Offshore Development Center

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